Pemandangan indah ini dirakam dari pantai "West Beach" Adelaide pada waktu senja 15 Januari 2007. Masyarakat Australia xde pantang larang pasal senja kala @ maghrib mcm masyarakat melayu di M'sia. So waktu2 begini, masih ramai berada di pantai... masih mandi-manda, piknik, sunbathing dll xtvt kat pantai.. Tapi ptg tu ramai pulak mcm dtg melihat sang mentari terbenam!! Rupa2nya pd ptg tu sebuah komet kelihatan di langit Barat semasa matahari terbenam. Boleh lihat ngan mata kasar jer.. so renung betol2 foto ni... nampak x satu cahaya putih... mcm bintang... tulah dia komet! Kalau nak baca lebih lanjut, berikut ada link...
Moga 2007 membawa kejayaan, menyinari pintu2 HATI kita, mewarnai kehidupan ini seindah pancaran pelangi. The rainbow appeared after an afternoon rainfall which continued into the night with thunderstorms accross Adelaide. View towards northeast.
This image was captured just before sunset on 30/12/06. How immaculate is God's creation as seen here over South Australia's capital city - Adelaide's sky - looking towards the Northeast.
Hargai lah! keindahan dan kesyahduan aLam maya ini....
Hi, in this blog, I shall post some of my thoughts, ideas and stories that I had came across. I would also share photos of friends and families who have enlightened and enriched my life. Thank you for reading.